By September 1, 2021

“Only the cow that travels gets the green grass.” With this in mind, I started my journey at FarmUnboxed. Although this is very different from my previous work experience, I’m very passionate about my current job profile. I will always be thankful to FUB for providing me with this opportunity. Very few people get to do the things they like and I feel I’m one of them.

My first Business trip at FUB was a 3 day trip to Nasik. I met potential clients as well as entrepreneurs who work on-field most of the time (in the literal sense) and are directly involved in farming. I even got to visit their farm which is the best part of my job. I enjoyed the pleasant weather and driving down to remote locations where I had most of my meetings. I was impressed with our client’s pack-houses that were not only massive in size but well organized. Both, meetings and visits to farms and packhouses were fruitful; visiting Nasik for me has always been fun. Being a foodie, I never miss trying the local cuisine and like always Nasik didn’t disappoint me.

Overall, it was a great experience and like every other trip, there is a takeaway from this trip too. I am a strong believer in the adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, so aren’t relationships. They have to be nurtured. Most of the clients that I met during my trip were contacts I had made over a period of 5-6 years. It is through constant communication and networking that I have been able to develop and maintain a long-lasting relationship with them.